Wayne Robinson, Founder
Welcome to Quality Academics. We are, as our name states, an institution that seeks to produce academics of high quality.
However, while our main objective is to develop students intellectually, we also emphasize the development of character and spirituality.
While doing these, we provide the highest quality tuition, training and guidance to help students attain their maximum potential in preparation for college, career and citizenship.
In the Day School, our academic preparation is structured and in-tense, starting with a Grade 7 curriculum which provides a platform for the CXC examinations in Grades 10 to 13.
Examination preparation is detailed and pointed, with emphasis on closely monitored SBA’s, coverage of the content/syllabus and application of the knowledge. We get results.
Our premier Sixth Form is aimed at producing the complete ‘quality graduate’.
We focus on bridging the gap between school and university, blending academic study with character and leadership development as well as career guidance.
Our Evening, After School and Saturday programmes provide the opportunity for students who work or attend other schools, to gain from our high quality staff in the various disciplines, at convenient times.
A very rich learning environment awaits you at Quality Academics.
We guarantee high standards of teaching and professionalism in a safe environment conducive to work, growth and development. We are prepared to help you achieve your goals.

Our vision is be recognized as the leading private educational institution in Jamaica, providing for secondary and post-secondary learning needs, consistently producing individuals capable of thinking critically and independently, who are prepared for higher education, the workforce and the world.
Our mission is to:
Provide the highest quality tuition, training and guidance to help students attain their maximum potential in preparation for college, career and citizenship
Instill virtues that develop the intellect, character, and spirituality of our students
Communicate and manage with a high level of professionalism and efficiency
Maintain close, cooperative, collaborative and beneficial relationships with Directors, Staff, Parents/Guardians, Students, businesses, industry, associations and other educational institutions
Develop critical thinking and problem solving skills through enquiry and an appropriate mix of theory and application
Provide a working environment for all staff that encourages personal development and growth, which results in job satisfaction and high morale
Develop quality facilities and infrastructure, emphasizing the use of technology in administration, support and the learning environmentproviding for secondary and post-secondary learning needs, consistently producing individuals capable of thinking critically and independently, who are prepared for higher education, the workforce and the world.